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Term for someone in the entertainment industry that people will pay to go see or watch on the screen, despite the fact that said person can't really sing, play music, act or do anything else noteworthy. Because they don't really sing, perform music or act, they can't legitimately be called singers, musicians or actors. 'Performer' is a nice catch-all term for such people that doesn't demean others in the entertainment business with actual ability.

Note that the mere fact that performers have no particular ability doesn't mean they can't make plenty of money doing whatever it is that they do. The one ability that performers generally have is marketability. And as countless examples have shown, the ability to be marketed (and to market one's self) is far more important than musical or acting talent anyway.

Recent examples of performers:

Britney Spears
Paris Hilton
Hilary Duff
All boy bands
Kevin Federline

by Action Man September 4, 2007

243 up, 133 down


Term for someone in the entertainment industry that people pay to go see or watch on the screen, despite the fact that said person can't really sing, play music, act, or do anything else noteworthy. Because they don't really sing, perform music or act, they can't legitimately be called singers, musicians or actors. Performer is a nice catch-all term for them that doesn't demean other people in the entertainment business with actual ability.

Note that the fact that performers have no particular ability doesn't meant that they can't make plenty of money doing whatever it is they do! The one ability performers generally have is marketability. And as countless examples have shown, the ability to be marketed (and to market one's self) is far more important and valuable than musical or acting talent anyway.

Recent examples of performers:

Britney Spears
Paris Hilton
Hilary Duff
All boy bands
Kevin Federline

by Action Man August 8, 2007

7 up, 7 down


A concise expression meaning "of adequate performance" without stretching to "high-performance" (especially since High Performance Computing has a specific meaning of its own). Unfortunately, in the modern language of hyperbole, terms like "adequate" and "acceptable" have negative connotations along the lines of "not really good enough but better than nothing". So, we, as an industry, have invented a jargon word "performant" to express the idea that a thing has a level of performance sufficient that you don't need to worry about it and can look for optimisations elsewhere in your system.

The JVM is performant.

by snookumz March 21, 2011

52 up, 15 down


Something that has adequate or better performance. Combination of "Performance" and "Conformant". Commonly used by Microsofties but not a real word.

"It's super super important to get that code performant before we ship!"

by Some Microsofty April 20, 2006

65 up, 25 down


A showcase of talent to an audience. The one thing that sums up all the hard work, time, and thought put into a work of beauty & art. It's a breathtaking and nerve-racking experience that only some have the chance to do.

1. There is only a week left until our dance performance. We have to nail it.

2. The crowds lined up to get into the building to watch the performance.

by Gail. July 23, 2006

59 up, 30 down


Describes whether or not a system will perform under load.
Usage first appeared in magazine publishing industry.
Possibly made up by one of my system architects.

That VAX system was really slow until we overclocked it to 20MHz - then it became highly performant

by Kerry P March 23, 2006

27 up, 15 down


Really good head.

She gave quite a performance.

by Solid Mantis August 9, 2016

14 up, 9 down