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something to brighten your day or give you an energy boost, especially useful when you can't spare time for a lunch break during a long day of work.

also, chemical mood enhancers such as alcoholic beverages.

Let's go for coffee, I could sure use a pick-me-up.

by kiki86 March 30, 2007

372 up, 40 down

pick me up

something to keep you going whether if be an energy drink or a bump of some blow

i need a pick me up cuz i havnt done any shit for about an hour

by e-haw420 June 25, 2008

166 up, 29 down

pick me up

A little some thing someone says or does to make a sucky day turn in to a good day.

friend 1 "There's no drama in my life, there's no drama in my life. repeat until haters go away"

Friend 2 " wow you just made me smile ! that was just the pick me up I needed "

by realgothy September 13, 2011

81 up, 45 down


When the person drinks coffee and French kisses someone, and the recipient tastes the coffee on the person's tongue.

"That person gave me quite the pick-me-up, I was able to taste the coffee right from his mouth!"

by SomeGuyFromBrooklyn July 30, 2017

66 up, 43 down

Brandenburg pick-me-up

1. Sex act where one partner stands on his/her head whilst the other kneels in front supporting the legs and performing oral copulation.

2. A place where Obama goes to be politically refreshed.

Barry and Michelle's sex life was a little boring until Michelle asked for and received a Brandenburg pick-me-up.

by Scoo0oop June 20, 2013

20 up, 3 down

Pick Me Up Fuck

1. (noun) When someone seems down in the dumps, or simply unhappy, you make them feel better with sex.

2. (verb) The act of fucking a sad or depressed person to make them happy again.

Guy 1: She's pretty hot, but just seems so depressed. Sorta like Kristin Stewart in all of her movies.

Guy 2: Sounds like she needs a pick me up fuck.

by browin September 14, 2013

17 up, 4 down

Colbert pick-me-up

Two Pringles Original Flavor chips with Reddi Wip whipped cream in the middle.

Jump-Rope Sally was pushing "Colbert pick-me-ups" behind the swing sets at recess, until Principal Sanders caught her with a Reddi Wip and an empty can of Pringles one day.

by Cottonsince85 March 31, 2010

8 up, 3 down