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Real Housewives of Covid

Another incarnation of the Real Housewives media machine but focusing this time on the psychological suffering, extreme claustrophobia and lack of structure that colors everything everyone in the show attempts to do.

In the last episode of the Real Housewives of COVID, the handsome but agitated patriarch was absentmindedly tying a pretty substantial noose in the background while his daughter, bored shitless and on her rhinestone-studded phone, Zoomed her teen psychotherapy group to combat Covid-induced depression.

by Dr Bunnygirl September 12, 2020

3 up, 1 down

The Real Housewives of Covid

A newly created version of the popular TV show, portraying the fear, isolation, child problems and psychological meltdowns that are part of this Pandemic Life.

The Real Housewives of Covid is an oddly claustrophobic depiction of home life without hair salons, lunches with friends, gym bodies and those titillating references to extramarital flings!

by Dr Bunnygirl September 9, 2020

Real Housewives of Covidville

Another incarnation of the ultra-successful Real Housewives media machine located in some Anytown, USA, depicting the household dramas, social isolation and warping lack of structure that is causing mental breakdowns all over the country.

In the last exciting episode of the Real Housewives of Covidville, we were left with trying to figure out who had tried to burn the house down in order to get some hunky firemen over to get some kind of real social contact!

by Dr Bunnygirl September 12, 2020

16 up, 1 down

real housewives of sydney

A bunch of crazy women put in a cast by Foxtel.

Have you seen Real housewives of Sydney? “oh my god yes”

by smutfg August 26, 2018

Real Housewives of Orange County

Bravo TV reality program that features a rotating "cast" of materialistic, vapid, alcoholic, selfish women who live behind gates to keep them from bothering other Orange County residents.

I tried watching "The Real Housewives of Orange County," and it gave me a terrible migraine.

Real Housewife of Orange County #1: Like, wouldn't it be great if I could just hook up my boobs to my son's tire pump every morning, then deflate them at night?

Real Housewife of Orange County #2: That would be, like, soooo cool! You could put the needle in your nipple!

Real Housewife of Orange County #1: Now I know why you live in Coto, too, because great minds think alike!

by Chatty Chrissy January 30, 2008

100 up, 19 down

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

A television show that features 5 middle aged women that are constantly clashing with one another. 4 of the 5 cast mates are related while the 1 was a stripper and ex-convict.

Teresa Giudice - Really dimwitted Italian woman
Jacqueline Laurita - Only normal woman on the show.
Caroline Manzo - Takes her family values to the extreme.
Dina Manzo - Carolines sister in law, two face.
Danielle Staub - The whole show's front story.

Typical dialog in a "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" episode

Teresa: Dina, did you hear about Danielle being a prostitution whore in the 80's?

Dina: Yes, and I have read the book and will deny it in future episodes.

by boxxybaybee June 16, 2010

88 up, 19 down

Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA)

An effective nonpharmacological soporific;
sleep aid;

Everytime I can't sleep, I put me some Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA) on, and I'm sleepin like a baby in no time.
Nee Nee like 50 a valium.

by Wyeth October 4, 2009

31 up, 32 down