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the act of giving head to a man in a manner that is similar to inhaling a large slab of meat

man look at your mom gobble that

by kyle glazier November 12, 2003

349 up, 136 down


To partake in the act of fellatio. Particularly used in the West Of Scotland to describe oral sex. Can also be the noise a turkey makes.

Git yir gums aroond ma plums, gis' a gobble

by GingaNinja April 30, 2005

263 up, 111 down


to smother a man's penis with anothers mouth and a fluid motion

Your mom definitely can gobble some cock

by Skillet November 14, 2003

142 up, 79 down


a phrase used to describe someone as a superior form of goblin.

ew she’s such a gobble

by dec bhw September 24, 2019

13 up, 5 down


To slightly play with ones balls in a spirit finger type fashion, while gobbling like a mature male turkey.

Shane gobbled Spencer in a friendly way.

I want to gobble you!

by Herpekreem7269 August 22, 2009

60 up, 53 down


The fatness that hangs down under fat peoples chins

Look at that lady's gobble!

by dashpie April 5, 2009

45 up, 39 down


The guttural, chortling sound of a male turkey.

Nice meeting you Ms. Davis. I'll be sure to give you a call if i need someone to gobble on my cob.

by random March 4, 2004

29 up, 35 down