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A classy way to say you are drunk.

Bill: I am currently very highly inebriated, my good sir.
Ted: Yeah, I'm pretty drunk myself.

by Dano Magnum June 9, 2007

631 up, 116 down


A word used to pseudo-impress drunk (and/or loose) women. If you use this word to describe your state of mind while drunk you are: a) too drunk, b) not drunk enough, or c) in the midst of a freestyle battle struggling to find a word to rhyme with... any number of things.

After this next triple of whisky, I will surely be too inebriated to use the word 'inebriated' in a proper sentence.

by coreLogic November 22, 2013

61 up, 13 down


Drunk as fuck.
See drunk, bombed, smashed, shitfaced, irish.

I was so inebriated, I'd fuck Kif.

by shroom. December 13, 2003

897 up, 386 down


see drunk,sloshed,shitfaced

why, fellow schoolmates, let us enjoy ourselves and get rather inebriated on the weekend

by ;)Doors Fan 0069 October 28, 2003

174 up, 127 down


so completely gone that you decide its a glorious idea to get on stage and sing. and dance a little. and you think you are way hot until you see the pictures the morning after.

im a fuckin rockstar! look at everyone looking at me..i fucking rule right now.

by decadence February 1, 2005

128 up, 117 down


Tore up from the floor up.

I had too many pints and am consequently inebriated.

by Alpha Continuum January 13, 2006

77 up, 100 down


drunk ass a MUA FUCKA!

Man, that whino was so inebriated, he got his shirt all puke-stained.
hahahah, whinos.

by albinowhino December 11, 2003

58 up, 99 down