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The place between the butthole and genitals.

Because I have flesh in between my anus and gentials, I have a perineum!

by l337 December 20, 2004

635 up, 171 down


The space between your back door and your buddies

She licked my perineum before she sucked my dicl

by Mike Hunt August 4, 2003

393 up, 177 down


1) The surface region of the body, situated between the anus and the genitals.

2) The week between Christmas day and New Years day.

Hey Shazwayne, what are doing for the Perineum? I'm gonna spend the whole week sixtynining myself.

by AnRoMo December 26, 2011

98 up, 53 down


the scientific term for chode, grundle, gooch, bifkin.

it's pronounced per-A-nE-um

by smashpangler May 22, 2003

153 up, 149 down


perineum is the anatomical name for the area between a guy's scrotum and his anus.

The smell of Matt's perineum gives me an instant boner!

by eda-skip December 21, 2021

394 up, 381 down


origins lie within the medical world, an it basically means yer gooch, bifkin or whatever else you wanna call it. it is the area of flesh between yer giggleberry's and yer waste disposal hole. it hurts when pinched!

"phwoar, my perineum is covered in skanky warts, must have caught summit off harry the swine!"

by tommy-o January 10, 2005

73 up, 86 down


The area between the baby batterbag/sperm hq and the smell hole.

My perineum is the event of the milleneum.

by Capt. James T. Kirk September 27, 2004

66 up, 87 down