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A Sympathetic person feels bad for EVERYONE. Including people who don't even deserve sympathy, like murderers on death-row. They have sympathy, and are pathetic.

Mom: (reading news paper) "Aww! that poor Richard Richard Heene !"
Son: "Mom! that freak was playing America! we were all running around, trying to keep his brat alive!"
Mom: "I know, but all he was trying to do was get a little show."
Son: "God mom. You are so sympathetic."

by ilovemypuggle#1 July 20, 2010

52 up, 64 down


A feeling that is felt for those who have slept with somebody who is way below their level.

I'm so sympathetic that you slept with Jane. She weighs like 250 and is 5'6. You drank way too much dunkel dude. In fact you were dunkeled.

by Jackelope January 13, 2007

22 up, 97 down

Sympathetic Magic

The effort to control events, animals, or persons by extraordinary means that are imitative or analogical in form.

For example, a doll or effigy may be stabbed or burned as a means of casting a spell upon a living being, or red ochre powder may be used to restore the glow of life to a pallid body.

Sympathetic magic, also known as imitative magic, is a type of magic based on imitation or correspondence.

by ♫ Highway to Hell ♫ August 4, 2010

143 up, 17 down

Sympathetic Asshole

A person who is deeply compassionate for others yet cannot stand incompetence or idiocy even though it occurs all around them. This results in a complete dick who feels terrible about things they do every day but cannot stop them.

girl:Hey so who was Hitler again, I missed the lesson on it.
Sympathetic Asshole:You are fucking retarded, why did your parents fornicate to produce something as retarded as you?

10 minutes later
Sympathetic Asshole:Damn I feel bad about cussing that girl out.

by Sympathetic Asshole November 17, 2010

Sympathetic pregnancy

attention seeking

sympathetic pregnancy-when a man shows the symptoms of pregnancy when their spouse or partner is with child. i'e morning sickness and eratic changes in mood.

by themalkyyouwontforget May 24, 2010

Sympathetic Vomitter

1. A person who vomits at the sight of someone else puking

Guy #1: Man, I hate working at Chuck E. Cheese! When a little kid puked the new cashier threw up after watching. Now I have to clean up both!
Guy #2: Sounds like she's a sympathetic vomitter

by mimimimimi June 30, 2009

Sympathetic Villain

A sympathetic villain is a villain character who is a bad person but their backstory/history/character arc is sad and depressing, it makes you feel bad for them. Or sympathy.

Zuko was a sympathetic villain, wasn't he?

by Pen Name = Pseudonym December 25, 2018

6 up, 1 down